Sony PRS e-reader review

The Sony PRS ereader line isn't among the cheapest ereaders. That said, after the KINDLE ebook reader, we love Sony's PRS line best. For folks who read a lot of e-books from libraries and those of us who buy Swedish books and don't want to bother converting our books before we read, the Sony PRS ereader is the best out there. 

Martha, Martha, Martha
For Martha Stewart fans, you can join Martha as she reads her Sony. See her Sony-sponsored Martha blog. (We've put her link in pale, washed-out pink; we're not Martha fans and if she won't go away, we'll fade her out. Despite Martha's relationship with Sony, we still love the Sony PRS line of ereaders!)

Sony PRS 350, 650, and 950 features
If we look at the Sony POCKET EDITION (PRS 350) (the cheapest Sony ereader), the TOUCH (PRS 650) and the DAILY EDITON (PRS 950), we see they all have full touch screens. This makes for fingerprints on your screen, but it sure is an easy way to navigate on your ereader device. To turn the page, just swipe your greasy little finger across the screen. Easier than turning pages in a paperback. Or you can use the buttons on either side of the readers and keep your screen clean. The POCKET EDITION, the TOUCH and the DAILY EDITION all have a nice freehand notes function; using the stylus they come with, you can doodle on your ebook or jot down notes. Very handy. And remember this: they all have glare-free Pearl e-ink screens. For those who love to read, this is a must!

With 2 GB of memory, you can carry around 1,200 books at a time. All three of the Sony PRS versions are expandable up to 32 GB. Sony says that gives you space for around 50,000 books. Our personal libraries combined aren't that big!

The PRS 350, PRS 650 and PRS 950 all connect to the Sony reader store via a USB cable; no WiFi or 3G on the Sony PRS readers so you have to plug them in to your computer. Also, the Sony bookstore does not offer as much as Mainly for these two reasons, we prefer the Amazon KINDLE

OK, the Sony bookshop doesn't have nearly as many titles as does Amazon, but Sony supports more types of formats, including the encrypted format used by libraries. This means you can buy ebooks from just about anywhere in the world and read them without a problem with the exception of books from Amazon. (Remember that Amazon uses its own format.) Should you buy an ebook from Amazon, you'll need to run it through the free conversion software, CALIBRE

Does Sony PRS read library books?
Yes, the Sony PRS ereaders all read the encrypted format used for library books, both in the US and in Sweden. If you're a big library book reader and plan to read mainly library books on your ereader and you're a little technically challenged, we recommend a Sony PRS ereader. If you're in Sweden and read Swedish books or Swedish library books, seriously consider the two models of the Sony PRS available in Sweden: the TOUCH and the POCKET.  

Sony PRS 950 DAILY EDITION at $300
The Sony PRS 950 DAILY EDITION is not the cheapest ereader around—and not the smallest, either. It's an inch larger than the regular-sized KINDLE. It sells for around $300 and you can get it engraved. Nice touch, especially if it's a gift. This sweet number comes in silver. For more functions and a list of specs, see the Sony PRS 950 page. Looks like this model is not available everywhere; it's not in Sweden as of this writing. 

Sony PRS 650 TOUCH at $229
Similar to the PRS 950, the smaller PRS 650 is only 6". Its battery life is around 7800 e-reader pages; Sony says it's enough to read a hefty classic. The TOUCH comes in black or red and costs around $229. Still not a cheap ereader, but if you've got the cash and like the touch screen, this is one nice ereader! For more functions and a list of specs, see the Sony PRS 650 page. Be sure to read all of our reviews and especially compare Sony PRS vs KINDLE. 

At 5", this compact ebook reader fits nicely into your handbag. Its battery life is around 7800 e-reader pages; Sony says it's enough to read a hefty classic. This one's a good choice for on-the-go reading, though it's a bit small for the avid reader. The Sony PRS 350 comes in girly-girl pink or elegant silver.  For more functions and a list of specs, see the Sony PRS 350 page.

For a handy comparison of these Sony PRS vs KINDLE vs NOOK, Sony has prepared a comparison chart. Keep in mind they've made the chart to make the Sony stand out as best, but you'll get a fair idea of what each has to offer.

Sony PRS ereaders aren't the cheapest ereaders out there, but they've got e-ink and a load of cool functions that you don't find on other e-ink readers. We love Sony PRS. 

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